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We're Investors in Volunteers!

Fri, 02 - August - 2019

MindWise have reached the quality standard for Investing in Volunteers for the third time!

Investing in Volunteers is the UK quality standard for all organisations involving volunteers. Investing in Volunteers aims to improve the quality of the volunteering experience for all volunteers and demonstrates that organisations value the enormous contribution made by their volunteers.  Investing in Volunteers is delivered by the four national volunteering infrastructure bodies, NCVO, Volunteer Scotland, Volunteer Now in Northern Ireland and Wales Council for Voluntary Action.

MindWise was assessed against a range of best practice standards and proved to excel in all aspects of working with its volunteers. Sandra Adair, Director of Operations at Volunteer Now, said “Volunteer Now is delighted to announce MindWise’s successful achievement of this Award, they have demonstrated a real commitment to volunteering, proven that their volunteer management policies and procedures meet nationally recognised standards.”

Niamh Scullion, volunteer co-ordinator, says, "I am delighted that the hard work of our volunteers and staff is being recognised. The time they give to our services and passion they have for helping others is truly inspirational.”

Investing in Volunteers is unique in that it is the only standard that focuses on volunteers.  It is based on four areas of volunteer management; planning for volunteer involvement, recruiting volunteers, selecting and matching volunteers and supporting and retaining volunteers.

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